Real Edge

4 week Strategic Business Plan

This is not a matter of Life or Death – it’s much more important than that! A well thought out Strategic Business Plan is often the missing ingredient that a business needs to be successful. 

Pre-covid statistics showed that 82% of Australian businesses go out of business in their first 10 years. A big part of this is not having an adequate plan for their business, or any written idea of where their business is heading.  

Now - there are countless reasons why having a Business Vision and Business Plan are necessary for long term business success. It clarifies direction, makes you think critically about your customers and the markets, forces you to develop a cash flow forecast, and so on. 

Businesses without a written plan, with clear objectives and a good SWOT analysis, generally operate tactically, OR week to week. WHICH CAN BE A RECIPE FOR FAILURE. Would any of us go on a car journey with no idea of where we’re heading?

 A good Business Plan will mean you’re more likely notice opportunities. If you keep missing opportunities, your business is unlikely to grow.

This program involves four weekly 2hr sessions to develop a plan specifically designed to help your business grow. It could be that missing piece you need.

Real Edge

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