Real Edge

About Us

Real Edge in Business helps Owners create the business they dreamt of when they first started out.

We believe that Small-Medium Businesses have the greatest impact on people’s happiness and quality of life than any other. In order to do this really well, businesses need to function at their absolute best, which includes using world’s best business practices.

A high percentage of Owners started their business journey with a dream of creating a bigger and better lifestyle. Unfortunately the majority never experience the reality of that lifestyle – instead ending up working more hours, with more stress and often for less money. Small-medium business owners are some of the most overworked and undervalued people in our communities. That needs to change.

Our mantra is to enable our Business owners to:

  • Gain control of their business, and run it on Auto-Pilot, even whilst they’re away

  • Consistently grow their income to multiple times what they would earn as an employee

  • Reduce their 'in-the-business' hours to a minimum

  • Scale their business to its full potential, whilst working less

To achieve success, business owners need to step out of the day-to-day treadmill of working in their business so much. But we know how difficult this can be. Owners often express a sense of feeling ‘alone’ with the challenges and opportunities they face in business. Whilst they are amazing in their particular field, many lack the business knowledge, and don’t know where to seek advice and help. Brad will take a systematic, structured, fact-based approach with business owners to unleash the income and growth potential of their business, and correct the imbalance.


Since 2014 Brad has helped many small-medium businesses move into the top 5% of their sectors. Over his 22 years of business management, he has consistently delivered double digit business growth year on year.

Brad has a real-world approach to helping Business Owners grow their income, whilst reducing their hours worked in the business, and developing a proven system for growth.   

After many years improving sales and profit results, including running his own business, Brad completed an MBA at LaTrobe University in 2011- majoring in Strategic Management and Marketing, where he was awarded a Dean’s Commendation in each of his three years.


Did you know there are 1000 different combinations to a three digit lock? We take the guesswork and years of trial and error out of business growth, with proven management, marketing and business systems. Whether you’ve just started your first business, are a growing business or are at the top of your industry, one of our three programs will help you reach your goals.

The three Real Edge Business Programs are specifically designed for small-medium businesses.

Why Business Owners love brad

Real Edge

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