Real Edge

Business Success Program

Think back to when you first started your Business. Has it worked out the way you thought? 

The answer for most owners is no. Most work more hours, and earn less money than they did when you were simply an employee. And then you have the added stress, which often extends through to their family life. It doesn’t need to be that way. 

The Business Growth Program will put the steps in place to:

  1. Help you transition from being a worker to a CEO, and take control of your business

  2. Develop your team to actually grow the business even without you

  3. Systemise your marketing for a consistent flow of new clients

  4. Achieve greater client retention – stop the leaky bucket

  5. Scale your business via systems – whilst working 4-days/week

We work closely with you and your management team to:

  • Document your Vision and Plan for the business, with a step-by-step roadmap 

  • Establish an online Dashboard, that identifies your particular business performance week-to-week

  • Foster a team that are engaged, motivated and driven to grow your business

  • Develop a laser-focused marketing plan that firstly identifies your A-Grade customer type, then create a consistent flow of new enquiries that you can dial up or down.

  • Create Management Systems to enable your business to run on Auto-Pilot.  Regardless of how big you get. 

The Practice Growth Program comprises of two distinct phases: 

Phase One involves once weekly meetings for five weeks. Over this time we will work closely with you and your senior Team to develop a Vision and Plan for your Business. Everyone’s on the same page.

Phase Two shifts to two clearly-defined monthly meetings

  1. The Board Meeting where we identify and discuss the most important initiatives to keep your business growing. It’s all about strategy implementation, and getting it right.

  2. The Finance Meeting is where we analyse the live Dashboard developed in Phase One, discuss the important financials from the previous month, and review which KPI needs attention. 

The Business Growth Program is not a “one size fits all” mentoring program. Every Business is different.  We provide a hands-on, personalised system which is tailored to work specifically with your unique business, and give you the results you want in the quickest timeframe. 

Real Edge

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