Real Edge

6 Tips To Make Recruitment Easier

Most Business owners would say they know the value of good employees. The quality of people you have in your Team is without doubt the most important component to business growth. But the recruitment process can be arduous; and finding the right people is not always easy. Particularly when you only start recruiting when you desperately need someone. What’s going to make matters worse is the pending skills shortage we face in 2022 in Australia as immigration has all but stopped due to covid-19.     

Below are six ideas to make recruiting the best people easier, BUT before you jump into these ideas, it’s important to underline the fact that recruitment is an integral part of a Business Owners role, and not something you do only when you need to, or when you have time. In fact, it’s arguably the most important part of your role. As the Business owner, you should view recruitment as something which gives you a massive return on investment for your time. And because it’s so important, it takes time and regular attention. It’s a mistake to be reactive, or rush it.

1. Don’t just recruit when you urgently need someone:

Probably my favourite. We all know the scenario, you really need someone to start by the end of next August, so you post a slap-dash ad on SEEK, shortlist candidates you wouldn’t normally consider, and then find yourself hiring someone you’re really not sure about. You get lucky on the rare occasion. However most of the time you eventually discover it was a poor decision and is costing your business thousands of dollars. When you only recruit when you desperately need someone, you put yourself under pressure, which often results in poor decisions on who you hire. Whereas, if you’re always in recruitment mode, there is no urgency, and less chance of making rash decisions. When your job ad is out there all year round, and you have a simple process for funnelling applicants, recruitment is significantly easier, and you’re more likely to only bring on the right people. 

2. Post your job ad links on LinkedIn

As a general rule, the best candidates are rarely job-hunting – you need to find them; which is why SEEK alone often leads to disappointment. Once you have your job ad link, post it on your LinkedIN, Facebook and Instagram pages, and keep refreshing the page every couple of weeks. This way your job ad stays near the top of peoples feeds. And because you use the same job Ad link across all platforms, all applications still come through the same channel. 

3. Create a short video

There are so many Businesses out there that people could work for, (in case you’re wondering how many, take a look at SEEK), what makes yours unique? Creating a short video (less than 1 minute) where you outline the uniqueness of your Business, can get candidates’ attention. It might be your great location, your team culture, the type of work you tend to specialize in, the great work-life balance you encourage, even the training and resources available to your Employees. Separating your Business from the pack will not only result in more high-quality applicants, but also applicants who connect with you and your message. The short video should also go on your website (in the Join our Team tab-see next tip) and your company linked in page. 

4. Join Our Team tab on your website

As mentioned, the best candidates are rarely looking on SEEK. So rather than potentially wasting money on maintaining your job add, why not have it permanently on your website with a Join Our Team button, or a tab on your website homepage. This can eventually eliminate the need to use SEEK. You can post the job add to your social networks, and always have a flow of applicants. Another little known benefit is that it gives anyone on your website the impression that ‘this company is really going somewhere’, because they’re proactively looking for new team members. 

5. Personality profiling

There are many forms of personality profiling available to employers, including DISC and Myers Briggs. If done well, they will improve your chances of hiring the right person. Only have those you are seriously considering sit an online assessment. It will give you an even better understanding of the real person. And at around $250, is a great investment when you consider the cost to your business of employing the wrong person.

6. Take your time – minimum two interviews. No exceptions!

The last thing you should do is employ the first person who is qualified and looks ok. Even if they really knock your socks off, make sure you get them back in for a 2nd chat. I’ve seen many business owners offer a candidate the position at the end of the first interview – and it has never turned out well. Also have someone whose opinion you value sit in on the 2nd interview. Apart from giving yourself a better chance of getting the right person, it also sends a message to the candidate that you take your business very seriously and only the right people are employed in your Business. You just can’t be too thorough when recruiting, because Business Owners know how difficult it is to live with employees that just aren’t right. Hire Slow – Fire quick needs to be the mindset if you genuinely want your Business to grow. 

Recruitment can be a real grind for Business owners; but only if you make it that way. By always having your line in the water, and then taking your time with the process, it’s considerably easier and you will finish up with a great team that will actually build your Business for you. 

Real Edge

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